13 mukhi Rudraksha is the form of the king Indra. Lord Indra becomes happy, if it is worn. It gives riches. If a man wears, he is upgraded, his honour increases. It fulfills all the earthly desires and gives eight accomplishments (Siddhies), and the god cupid (Kamdeva) pleases with the man who wears it. “Kartikeya samo gyeye sarva Kaamarth Sidhidah.” This Rudraksha provides all attainments connected with chemical science. The researchers of medical science reach new horizons of success by wearing this thirteen face Rudraksha. When invoked, showers all possible comforts of life one can ever desire. Gives hypnotic power of attraction (Vashikaran) to the wearer. It also gives the wearer material gains. It is helpful for meditation and spiritual attainments. It is suggested to cause material upliftment. It increases the mental power of the wearer amazingly. It should be kept safely as Rudraksha are long life assets and gives the wearer benefits in all fields Taking one bead of thirteen faced Rudraksha, it should be strung on red thread and washed with Spring Water or unboiled milk. Then it must be worn chanting the mantra. Mantra is “Om Hreem Namah” The mantra’s for this Rudraksha bead are : Om Namah Shivaya Om Hreem Namah.
Spiritual Items
13 Faced / Mukhi Natural Certified Rudraksha
# 13 Mukhi Faced / Mukhi Natural Rudraksha.
# A Rare Rudraksha for Spiritual Healing.
# Origin: Nepal.
# Authenticity Certificate included with this item.
# Completely Handmade By Indian Artisans.
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